
OFILI speaks Of the Greatest Myths Ever Told


One of the Greatest myths ever told was about the Boldness of Nigerian.

The truth is that for the most part we are not bold, most of the Nigerians I have come across are scared of almost everything. Scared of their Pastors, scared of the Government, scared of Hell, scared of their Parents … just scared.

The only time our boldness really shines like a Golden Globe Drama Series Actor is for largely inconsequential interactions.

Like screaming at that House Boy or that Gateman that forgot to greet you. Or insulting the Government over social media or in bars While downing a bottle of Orijin.

But when it comes to things that really matter, to taking real action, to speaking up against injustice … most of what I hear is silence. Well not exactly silence, but silent excuses. Excuses like:

“I know it does not make sense, but the Pastor said …”
“I know he is beating his wife, but it not good to be nosey.”
“Government has not paid us for 3 months, but if we protest they might not pay us at all.”
“I love him, but my Parents said I can’t marry him because he is not from our village…”
“Why are you stressing yourself, nothing will change.”

If Nigerians, really really spoke up boldly in large numbers about injustice and bullshit.

If we all were collectively bold and not just a few … things will be a lot different.


Written by Okechukwu Ofili of
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