
I Can Restore The Naira In A Month – Ifeanyi Ubah


Ifeanyi Ubah, Chairman of Capital Oil and Gas has revealed in an interview With channels Television that he has what it takes to restore the devalued Naira to about N200 to a Dollar in a month if given the Consultancy responsibility.

“Look at the economy, look at the position of the naira today; some of us have ideas on how we can restore this. Do you know how many Burea De Change people who food has been taken out of their families because of this? If you say they are the ones causing it, then where are you today?”


“It needs strategic management. It won’t take me one month, if you give me part of that consultancy, naira Would come back to 200. I can bet my life with it, naira would come back to N200. If you call me for that consultancy, I would put naira back to 200.”

The Capital Oil Boss seem confident in what he knows. We can only hope that the Presidency Would consider consultant the Business mogul.

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