
#TheChroniclesOfMrOlumati : You Most Likely Don’t Know Jack!


Good morning earthlings!

The days are increasingly getting hot and it seems the only difference between the days seems to just be darkness. There no longer is "the cool Of the day". You know what that Means, for those living in areas without power supply, or those who have to share a very Limited room space. Phweee..

I woke up to another hot day like everyone else, breezed through my daily routine and set out for a meeting. Everybody seems to be in a mad rush. Now i am not sure if they are really in a rush or my Mind is just messing With me.

A few blocks always from my house i notice an uncompleted building. For a few seconds i was lost staring at it While questions flood my Mind.

How did this get here?  When did the constitution begin? How did i miss this?  Isn’t this the same school the then Governor Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi worked on?. Too many thoughts within the seconds.

The site in question was the Government Primary school at the Ahiamakara axis Of Ogbum-Nu-Abali Port-Harcourt. I use this route at least once every week and i wonder why i had never taken note that the building that once stood there had been pulled down, the pieces Of land divided by a new wall and a new building is already being erected for the pupils.

As i pondered on how exactly i didn't take note Of all Of these, i recalled a thought by one of my role models, and it made all the sense in the World today. It simply states; Use does not establish Competence. I have used that route for a very long time now and failed to notice that a major change had been on going.

You know a lot Of us are like this in our everyday lives. We have been at a job for over then years, and we confuse the length Of time being at the job for the quality Of know-how on the job. We must reorganise our thinking to the consciousness that "Use does not establish competence". If we do, we most likely Would become more competent in this year 2016....

Thank you for taking time to share in my thoughts today, You Rock! Trust me i'll be back.

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